Opening Weekend September 28th-29th
Red's Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch
2704 US 83, Oakley Kansas, 67748
The Mauraths and Pfannenstiels are so excited to bring a corn maze and pumpkin patch to NWKS this fall at Maurath Farms (just 3 miles south of Oakley off US 83)! With over 10 miles of maze, we’ve got all the family fun in store! Think scrapbook worthy photos, all of your favorite fall treats and hours of entertainment right in your own backyard. Opening weekend is September 28th-29th and they will be open every weekend in October. To Contact them check out the facebook page @Red'sCornMazeandPumpkinPatch or call them at 785-953-0268.

Saturdays 10:00am - 7:00pm
Sundays 1:00pm - 7:00pm
Group Dates: Additional times can be scheduled for groups of 15 or more people by reaching out to them.
12 yrs+ - $8
6-11 yrs - $5
0-5 yrs - free
Group Rates: Groups over 15 people will be charged a flat rate of $5 per person regardless of age. Groups must book in advance to receive the group rate. The rate does not apply to weekends.
2024 Maze - "The Farm"
Experience the 2024 corn maze - “The Farm”
While it might look like one big picture, it’s actually 4 different mazes for you to experience! Each maze is a different difficulty level, so we’re confident we have hours of fun for everyone. Inside the maze will be check points for you to find that will keep you on track.